Month: March 2022

Red lines and gray areas: agency leaders on the moral maze of who to work with

Agency leaders on their red lines (and the gray areas between them) / Mick Haupt via Unsplash Agencies are thinking more than ever about their role in the world, what they’re working for and who they’re working with. Many are putting ethical commitments front-and-center, and some are helping formerly problematic or recalcitrant clients clean their acts […]

What Are Agencies For?

Agency leaders talk about their purpose / Jukan Tateisi via Unsplash Traditionally, most agency work is reactive: preparing pitches in response to RFPs; responding to clients’ needs; following the creation of a product with a campaign. Now, many are working more proactively across clients’ businesses, being more selective about who they work with and advancing […]

Upbeat Ad Agencies have High Hopes for the Future of New York Retail and Marketing

Times Square remains a beacon of billboards in NYC. Photo: Mickey Blank INVNT CEO and [INVNT GROUP] COO, Kristina McCoobery, comments on the future of New York City’s adtech space. New York City and Times Square are still the beating heart of immersive retail and future-forward marketing, say some of the ad world’s most influential movers and shakers.  Stores may […]

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